Motorcycle Council Namibia

The objectives of the MCN shall be:

  • The MCN is constituted by the Presidents of Motorcycle Clubs in Namibia.
  • The MCN is described as a body managing and overseeing all motorcycle affairs recognized and supported by the majority of motorcycle clubs within the countries boundary.
  • The main aim of the MCN is to create a unified structure to ensure uniformity in biking and to ensure that the biker traditions and brotherhood associated with biking are maintained.
  • The MCN endeavors to enhance brotherhood among bikers and to set a specific standard for biker clubs.
  • The MCN is committed to ensure unity among all clubs registered.

Membership of the MCN

MCN has the right to reserve admission to membership

Benefits of joining the MCN

  • Centralized annual events Calendar
  • Larger footprint of communication
  • Committed MCN member attendance at Rallies
  • Guidelines for New Clubs

Please complete the feedback form for below to be considered as member of the Motorcycle Council of Namibia. Thank you